Sunday, 19 October 2014

19 October, 2014

Two Readings coming up soon:

I've been invited to be guest poet at Well Versed in Cheltenham, at the Muffin Club, on Thursday 27 November 2014.

I've also been invited to read to Oxford Stanza 2 on Tuesday 9 December, 2014.

I've accepted both invitations with pleasure!

(BTW, Foot out of both plaster and boot, and six week check past successfully. Broken foot bone healing, sprained ankle and wrist getting better, impact injury to hand and thumb healing. Six more weeks until pain free, but weekly physio needed, but walking on crutches since Friday night!
Might be able to drive in about two weeks.

Beginning to feel a little more human --have begun a poem on falling into a big hole. Needless to say, based on fact!.)
19 October, 2014, Oxford

Last night at the wonderful Albion Beatnik Bookshop in Oxford, we had our innovative reading to inspire reflection and discussion with the audience. Jane Draycott, Beatrice Garland, Andrew Smardon and me, each read a short choice of our own poems chosen after reading a poem by Andrew.

After this we had a great 15 minute discussion with the audience and it was fascinating to feel we were all developing ideas together, poets and audience alike. The discussion ranged far and wide, interspersed by questions to us individually. Then after, we read one more poem each to finish the section.

This pattern was repeated in the second half. It was very informal and engaged. We had thought and planned quite a bit beforehand, but had no idea it would either work of feel so good.

The audience were very enthusiastic and kind in their judgement about it after, and I hope it catches on as a way of engaging people actively in poetry and poems. We left for a drink after, high as kites!

Thanks to all participants and I do hope it catches on. 8--)