Tuesday 16 December 2014

16 December, 2014

It has been pointed out to me that I should say I comment several times a week on Mary Beard's TLS Blog: A Don's Life, and have for a few years now.

I like the way Mary uses her scholarship to bring the Classics into our world and throw fresh light on it. She tells us about the every day life of Romans and Greeks, which is much more interesting than endless war stories.
I also enjoy her take on the many things that happen in her life. This gives the members of the blog a chance to take the discussion and let it range where it will......

I've said her blog is about developing thought. For me it's relaxation, as others do Sodoku. But I enjoy the way we discuss and argue....etc.

So, if anyone happens to be interested, today's comments after Mary's visit to hear the Carols recorded includes:
King's College itself, the Carols, the Chapel, its architecture, the Rubens,
old vs contemporary English in religious language, the light there, wider and narrower thought, food banks, Christmas songs, sacred and not, advent vs Christmas carols, the contemporary relevance of organised religion, etc......etc......

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